Its officially a new year right now for everyone that could be reading this.  At least for most of us, those chilly January days mean havoc on your skin.  When I lived back home, I actually never had this sort of trouble.  No matter how cold it got, my skin never really bothered me.  Now that I live in Arizona, something about the combination of the ultra dry air, the cold, and the impressive wind keeps my hands pretty dry out here.

Well, I finally found something that works to fix it, and its natural.


Beeceuticals Honey Lemon Hand Salve

No, thats not an affiliate link.  I don’t get any money for you buying.  I do want to make your life easier by pointing the way to products that work.

Pros:  This stuff is all certified organic.  To me actually, certified doesn’t mean anything, but its good to know there is no RoundUp being rubbed into your skin.  It smells great, and stays on your skin without feeling greasy. The bees wax forms a barrier on your skin, protecting it long term.  This works really great on the sections of my skin that are chapped and dry.

Cons: There is no anti-itch property in this salve.  Otherwise it wouldn’t be organic.  Still, be warned.  If you put this on a particularly itchy patch.  You still have to remain vigilant that you don’t scratch it off.  When typing.  On your blog last night.  Right on the itchy patch on your thumb.  Be warned.

Overall, I think this stuff is a huge plus to have around in the winter, my hands do feel much better.  Just be aware of what it is designed to do, and don’t expect what it can’t provide.